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Women Of InfluenceWomen Of InfluenceWomen Of Influence
(Mond - Sat)
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


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Women at the grassroots level often face failed or dormant businesses because they lack access to economic opportunities such as bank loans and markets. This economic dependency keeps them in poverty and makes them vulnerable to gender-based violence, as they rely financially on their abusers, hence leaving an economic gap.

 Goal: To bridge the gender economic gap that exists between female entrepreneurs and male entrepreneurs. The women we are working with are from the age group between 14-45.

Through the project we conducted open communication

Implementation process

Community mobilization. We conducted an interception meeting to introduce the project where we invited 14 local leaders who took part in the project design. The leaders come three areas of Kigogo kati, Kigogo mukwajuni and kigogo mbuyuni.
Open community dialogues where we conducted 10 open community dialogues and reached 500 women entrepreneurs with this activity we spread information about formalization of businesses by women, the available economic opportunities and how they can be grabbed. Also they had the chance to tell us the problems they are facing in their businesses. Many of the identified challenges of lacking capital, markets the solution is centered around them formalizing their businesses.
Train of Trainers. We conducted a three-day boot camp which the sessions contained practical aspects how the formalization of businesses, the economic opportunities and how to grab them. After the session 20 women obtained the name certificates for their businesses from BRELA, 20 women obtained bank accounts in order to save, 20 women obtained digital payee numbers, 20 women were aided in opening up business.

Outcomes of this project

  1. 500 women entrepreneurs informed about the formalization process and the associated advantages.
  2. 20 women entrepreneurs registered their businesses names and obtained a name certificate
  3. 20 women entrepreneurs obtained digital pay numbers registered in their business names
  4. 20 women entrepreneurs opened both Facebook and Instagram business accounts to market their products
  5. 20 women branded their products by packaging

Before the project the things we found in our project area.

  1. Urban poverty
  2. Our beneficiaries’ businesses where dormant and others they had stopped doing business
  3. The products where not well packaged and lacked labels
  4. They didn’t have bank accounts to save
  5. They didn’t not have digital pay numbers
  6. They depended on local markets around their homes in Kigogo
  7. Vendering their products door to door.

Impact seen doing monitoring and evaluation in 2023

  1. Change in the mind set in the business.
  2. Gained confidence in talking about their businesses.
  3. Monthly savings.
  4. Modified their products presence through labelling and packaging.
  5. Selling their products through social media like Instagram account and Facebook accounts.
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